Constant functions

Now we've implemented the rhs function, but how about the initial condition? We can implement the ConstantOp trait to specify the initial condition. Since this is quite similar to the NonLinearOp trait, we will do it all in one go.

fn main() {
use diffsol::{Op, ConstantOp};

type T = f64;
type V = nalgebra::DVector<T>;
type M = nalgebra::DMatrix<T>;

struct MyInit {}

impl Op for MyInit {
    type T = T;
    type V = V;
    type M = M;
    fn nstates(&self) -> usize {
    fn nout(&self) -> usize {

impl ConstantOp for MyInit {
    fn call_inplace(&self, _t: T, y: &mut V) {
        y[0] = 0.1;

Again, we can use the ConstantClosure struct to implement the ConstantOp trait for us if it's not neccessary to use our own struct.

fn main() {
use std::rc::Rc;
use diffsol::ConstantClosure;

type T = f64;
type V = nalgebra::DVector<T>;
type M = nalgebra::DMatrix<T>;

let p = Rc::new(V::from_vec(vec![1.0, 10.0]));
let init_fn = |_p: &V, _t: T| V::from_element(1, 0.1);
let init = Rc::new(ConstantClosure::<M, _>::new(init_fn, p.clone()));