1. Modelling with ODEs
    1. Explicit First Order ODEs
      1. Example: Population Dynamics
    2. Higher Order ODEs
      1. Example: Spring-mass systems
    3. Discrete Events
      1. Example: Compartmental models of Drug Delivery
      2. Example: Bouncing Ball
    4. DAEs via the Mass Matrix
      1. Example: Electrical Circuits
    5. PDEs
      1. Example: Heat Equation
      2. Example: Physics-based Battery Simulation
    6. Forward Sensitivity Analysis
      1. Example: Fitting a population dynamics model to data
  2. DiffSol APIs for specifying problems
    1. ODE equations
    2. Mass matrix
    3. Root finding
    4. Forward Sensitivity
    5. Custom Problem Structs
      1. Non-linear functions
      2. Constant functions
      3. Linear functions
      4. ODE systems
    6. DiffSL
    7. Sparse problems
  3. Choosing a solver
  4. Solving the problem
  5. Benchmarks
    1. Sundials
    2. Python (Diffrax & Casadi)