Choosing a solver

Once you have defined the problem, you need to create a solver to solve the problem. The available solvers are:

  • diffsol::Bdf: A Backwards Difference Formulae solver, suitable for stiff problems and singular mass matrices.
  • diffsol::Sdirk A Singly Diagonally Implicit Runge-Kutta (SDIRK or ESDIRK) solver. You can define your own butcher tableau using Tableau or use one of the pre-defined tableaues.

Each of these solvers has a number of generic arguments, for example the Bdf solver has three generic arguments:

  • M: The matrix type used to define the problem.
  • Eqn: The type of the equations struct that defines the problem.
  • Nls: The type of the non-linear solver used to solve the implicit equations in the solver.

In normal use cases, Rust can infer these from your code so you don't need to specify these explicitly. The Bdf solver implements the Default trait so can be easily created using:

use diffsol::{OdeBuilder, OdeSolverState};
use nalgebra::DVector;
type M = nalgebra::DMatrix<f64>;
use diffsol::Bdf;
fn main() {

  let problem = OdeBuilder::new()
    .p(vec![1.0, 10.0])
    .build_ode::<M, _, _, _>(
       |x, p, _t, y| y[0] = p[0] * x[0] * (1.0 - x[0] / p[1]),
       |x, p, _t, v , y| y[0] = p[0] * v[0] * (1.0 - 2.0 * x[0] / p[1]),
       |_p, _t| DVector::from_element(1, 0.1),
let solver = Bdf::default();
  let _state = OdeSolverState::new(&problem, &solver).unwrap();

The Sdirk solver requires a tableu to be specified so you can use its new method to create a new solver, for example using the tr_bdf2 tableau:

use diffsol::{OdeBuilder, OdeSolverState};
use nalgebra::DVector;
type M = nalgebra::DMatrix<f64>;
use diffsol::{Sdirk, Tableau, NalgebraLU};
fn main() {
  let problem = OdeBuilder::new()
    .p(vec![1.0, 10.0])
    .build_ode::<M, _, _, _>(
       |x, p, _t, y| y[0] = p[0] * x[0] * (1.0 - x[0] / p[1]),
       |x, p, _t, v , y| y[0] = p[0] * v[0] * (1.0 - 2.0 * x[0] / p[1]),
       |_p, _t| DVector::from_element(1, 0.1),
let solver = Sdirk::new(Tableau::<M>::tr_bdf2(), NalgebraLU::default());
  let _state = OdeSolverState::new(&problem, &solver).unwrap();